How to Prevent Rust on Receiver Hitch

Prevent Rust on Your Receiver Hitch
Rust on a trailer hitch is common, unsightly and potentially costly if not prevented. The time to prevent the rust is before it forms. Once rust has taken hold, it becomes very costly to repair or replace.
This is a Class III Receiver Hitch without Rust

This hitch has seem limited use and is not showing many signs of rust yet. It is best to prevent rust at this stage.
Trailer hitches rust for a number of reasons. First, in northern climates, they're exposed to road salt and in the back of the vehicle tend to accumulate more salt containing slush. Second, hitches are low enough on the vehicle that they're more prone to chipping due to road debris and gravel. Lastly, receiver hitches experience rubbing between the receiver and the mount. These painted surface can wear and expose bare metal to the elements.
When a trailer hitch rusts within the receiver, it can make it impossible to use. Worse yet, we've had a number of customers call us with the mount stuck in the receiver. When it rusted, it created an inadvertent pressure fit. When this happens, there is almost nothing that can be done to remove it.
Applying Fluid Film

Fortunately, preventing rust on a trailer hitch is rather easy. We use Fluid Film within the receiver to provide an extra layer of protection between the two painted metal surfaces. Not only is is a good at rust prevention, but the added lubrication only helps. After spraying Fluid Film in the receiver, we recommend that you wipe off the excess. With that excess on the rag, we recommend wiping down the painted exterior surfaces of the hitch. While not essential, that extra layer of protection keeps your hitch looking good longer.