Rust Bullet FAQs
Rust Bullet FAQs

How many coats of Rust Bullet are required?
For full effectiveness, at least two coats of Rust Bullet are needed. During the curing process, Rust Bullet releases carbon dioxide gas. The release of this gas can cause tiny pin holes to form in the first coat. Air and moisture can penetrate these holes, allowing rust and corrosion to form, so sealing them is necessary. A second or third coat seals any pin holes that have formed, fully protecting the metal underneath. The two coat recommendation applies to both the Rust Bullet Standard Formula and Rust Bullet Automotive Formula.
What surface preparation is required before applying Rust bullet?
Rust Bullet is sensitive to water, so the surface must be thoroughly dry. The surface to which Rust Bullet is to be applied must also be completely free of dust, dirt, mold or mildew, oil, wax and any loose particles. Rust Bullet Metal Blast is an effective product if a cleaner is required. Any rust or paint that is flaking or loose should be removed as well. Existing paint that is intact should be roughed with 100 – 150 grit sandpaper.
How should Rust Bullet be applied?
Rust Bullet can be applied with a brush, roller or spray system. Spray systems must be cleaned with Rust Bullet Solvent immediately after use, or the equipment may irreparably damaged.
Can Rust Bullet be applied to just the rusted area?
Yes, but remember that if other areas are left untreated, they will be prone to rust and corrosion.
What is used to clean up Rust Bullet?
Rust Bullet Solvent is the appropriate solvent for cleaning Rust Bullet. If Rust Bullet Solvent is unavailable, xylene, toluene or acetone may be substituted.
How soon can Rust Bullet be recoated?
Rust Bullet is ready to be recoated or have a top coat applied in 4 to 6 hours. If you cannot transfer the previous coat to a gloved finger, then it is ready to be recoated. If it has been longer than 6 hours since the previous coat was applied, it is advisable to wait a full 24 hours and then rough the surface with 150 grit sandpaper before applying the next coat.
Can the recoat time of Rust Bullet be sped up?
Yes, the use of Rust Bullet Rapid Fire Accelerator will significantly shorten the dry time by up to 80%.
Can I topcoat Rust Bullet with any paint?
While Rust Bullet will accept most topcoat paints, Rust Bullet Clear Shot and Rust Bullet BlackShell offer the same superior quality and make excellent topcoats.
What is the shelf life of Rust Bullet?
Unopened, Rust Bullet has a shelf life of at least two years. Once opened, the shelf life is approximately one month. Once a container is opened it is imperative to recover it as quickly possible. A good practice is to pour out small amounts into another container for use and recover the original can. Never pour left over Rust Bullet back into the storage can. Reintroduction of exposed product will destroy the remainder of the container.
What is the temperature service range of Rust Bullet Coatings?
After curing, all Rust Bullet coatings have a service temperature range of 314°F (157°C) continuous, and can tolerate maximum temperatures between 617°- 662°F (325°-350°C) for up to 72 hour periods.