Salt-Away 5 Gallon Concentrate
- Save by Purchasing Salt Away in Gallon Concentrate
- One Gallon Makes up to 512 Gallons of Mix
- Non-Toxic and Biodegradable
Remove Salt Deposits from Cars, Trucks, Boats and Equipment
The Salt-Away 5 Gallon Concentrate can be mixed with up to 2,560 gallons of water. The standard ratio is 1 oz. to 4 gallons of water but concentration can be doubled for tougher applications. This container can be used to refill the mixing unit or you can premix in bulk if you prefer.
The 5 gallon container includes a faucet for easy dispensing.
Salt-Away is used to dissolve and remove salt from any surface. It is water based, non-hazardous and biodegradable. It protects metals from corrosion by removing the salt that promotes corrosion. It also contains rust inhibitors that help protect the surface once the salt has been removed.
Salt will cause metals to corrode. It takes very little salt on a surface to increase your chances of corrosion. Removing salt from the surface reduces your chance of corrosion.
Salt-Away will actually help remove all of the salt deposits from the surface. Plain water will not remove all the salt. Salt-Away is water based, and when mixed with water, removes salt more completely.
Salt-Away is designed to remove salt from just about any surface. It can be safely used on metal, paint, fiberglass, glass, rubber, plastic, chrome and many other surfaces. It doesn't contain solvents so it won't remove wax or other surface protection.
Q. Can Salt-Away be used in concentrated form? Will that provide better salt removing ability?
A. No, Salt-Away is to be mixed. It should not be used in concentrated form.
Q. Does the salt disappear or is it rinsed away?
A. When you use Salt-Away, the salt is rinsed away in the water. This product doesn't make salt disappear. Salt-Away greatly enhances the ability of the water to rinse the salt away.
Q. Can I use a rust inhibitor after using Salt Away?
A. Yes, if you have an unprotected metal surface, applying a rust inhibitor after using Salt-Away will help you protect the surface.